*In simple terms...*
I'm just a southern guy who ended up in the northern portion of the United States. I love my wife, kids and life. I am a blessed guy with the love and support I receive from my wife and sons. I have yet to go somewhere I didn't like. Well, I might not like a few things about a few places, but overall, I liked them all.
*My Style*
I have always loved capturing and creating images. I began hand drawing in either kindergarten or first grade. A few crude, homemade comic books came out of this venture. Before I left elementary school I was taking pictures and lining them up just right in my photo albums. One way or another, I was going to convey the story I created or the one I captured to my finished work. Ambitious? Yes, but the basis for where I am today.
I still dable with drawing. However, my passion is photography.
*Capturing Memories*
I received my first personal point and shoot camera in middle school where I photographed all my friends and family through my college years. These images were my captured memories of which I didn't want to forget... albums of documented events... my life in action. This was the basis for my desire to capture memories as emotions in time.
*Going Professional*
When I stepped up to an SLR camera, the limitations I had with my point and shoot cameras dissolved. I would shoot almost everything and for almost anyone (carry-over from my early years). I soon started shooting for hire to cover the expenses of both my camera and computer gear. At once, I wanted to be a photo journalist. However, with the start of my family, I have put that route on the back burner.
I shoot entirely digital with a totally digital work-flow. This allows me the ability to work from almost anywhere at almost any time.
My main subjects have always been my family, who create the perfect situations and the most challenges. It is that love of capturing these precious moments, which I offer to my customers.
- Rodrick