It has been wonderful watching this young miracle grow from a moment is mother's belly to a moving and grooving one year old. Moving and grooving really describes him because he was all over exploring and having fun in the park with his mother and dad. I came with my trusty 50mm and 85mm prime f1.4 lenses, but the 24-70mm lens ruled the day. This lens allowed me to zoom in and out as needed following all the energy Bill displayed. Every once in a while Bill would slow down for a family shot, but not for long. The above photo was rounded off with more smiles and laughs. I was told the swing his favorite and I could tell why. I think I have never seen anyone laugh as much as he on this pendulum ride. Well, I guess mom may be in the running since she was really having a good time on the seesaw.
View the slideshow of this great time I had...
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